Alanis Morissette《Jagged Little Pill》:高中開始第一張西洋音樂專輯,CD很貴,回憶更貴


《Jagged Little Pill》是Alanis Morissette成名代表作,記得沒錯的話,是我買下的第一張西洋音樂CD,花了幾個星期的零用錢,雖然很貴,但人生一道大門從此打開,高中大學時期多了那些英語歌曲的陪伴:理察瑪爾克斯、瑪丹娜、布萊恩亞當斯、麥可波頓、……,熬夜K書的時候有人唱歌給你聽、嗑睡蟲發作的時候有人唱歌給你聽、考完試徹底放空的時候也有人唱歌給你聽。
後悔嗎?有一點,畢竟是學生時代每張三百塊狠心收藏的。這個後悔有點不切實際,現在YouTube輸入「Alanis Morissette+Ironic」馬上可以聽這首歌了,還有官方MV可以看,所以,你確定要從書架上挑出那張CD、放到SONY隨身聽裡播放嗎?但話說回來,免費虛擬的YouTube再怎麼方便,還是挺懷念放學後逛雄中對面唱片行,那種沉浸在CD牆裡四處挖寶的滿足感……

YouTube video

An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It’s a black fly in your chardonnay
It’s a death row pardon two minutes too late
Isn’t it ironic… don’t you think
It’s like rain on your wedding day
It’s a free ride when you’ve already paid
It’s the good advice that you just didn’t take
Who would’ve thought… it figures
Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids good-bye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
“Well, isn’t this nice.”
And Isn’t this ironic … don’t you think?
Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything’s ok and everythings going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think evertyhing’s gone wrong and everthing blows up
In your face
A traffic jam when you’re already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It’s like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife
It’s meeting the man of my dreams
and then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn’t it ironic… don’t you think
A little too ironic.. and yeah I really do think…
Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
And life has a funny way of helping you out
helping you out
