



					Sub 加減乘除計算1()

Debug.Print 1 + 2 - 3 * 4 / 5   '0.6,先乘除後加減

Debug.Print 1 + (2 - 3) * 4 / 5 '0.2,括號優先順序

End Sub

Sub 特殊數學符號2()

Debug.Print 2 ^ 10  ' 1024 ,次方
Debug.Print 50 / 3  ' 16.6666666666667 ,除
Debug.Print 50 \ 3  '16,被除數,除數,商數,餘數
Debug.Print 3 Mod 2     '1,餘數
Debug.Print 5 Mod 2.4   '1,四捨五入為2
Debug.Print 5 Mod 2.6   '2,四捨五入為3
Debug.Print 5 Mod 2.5   '1,四捨五入失敗
Debug.Print 3.5 Mod 2   '0,四捨五入成功

End Sub

Sub 大小比較運算子3()

Debug.Print 1 = 2   'False,相等
Debug.Print 1 > 2   'False,大於
Debug.Print 1 >= 2  'False,大於等於
Debug.Print 1 <> 2  'True,不等於
Debug.Print 1 <> Empty  'True,Empty為空白

End Sub

Sub 物件對象相等4()

Set A = Sheets("工作表1")
Set B = 工作表1
Debug.Print A Is B  'True,相同工作表對象
'Debug.Print 1 Is 2  '型態不符合

End Sub

Sub Like模糊比對5()

Debug.Print "ABC" Like "*C" 'True,不限字串長度
Debug.Print "ABC" Like "?B?"    'True,限定字串長度
Debug.Print "B2B" Like "B#B"    'True,必須是數字
Debug.Print "B2B" Like "[A-Z]#B"    'True,必須英文字母

End Sub

Sub 邏輯關係判斷6()

Debug.Print 1 > 2 And 2 > 1 'False,同時為真
Debug.Print 1 > 2 Or 2 > 1  'True,至少一個為真
Debug.Print 1 > 2 Xor 2 > 1 'True,只能一個為真
Debug.Print (1 = 1 Xor 2 = 2)   'False,只能一個為真
Debug.Print Not (1 > 2 Or 2 > 1)    'False,真假互換

End Sub

Sub 數值文字串連7()

Debug.Print 123 + 456   ' 579 ,數值相加
Debug.Print 123 & 456   '123456,視為文字串連
Debug.Print "123" & "456"   '123456,文字串連

Debug.Print "ABC" + "CDE"   'ABCCDE,視為文字串連
Debug.Print "ABC" & "CDE"   'ABCCDE,文字串連符號

End Sub



					Sub 取消提醒視窗()

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub



Sub 儲存格作為參數()
Dim R As Range
Set R = 工作表1.[A1]
Call 子程序(R)
End Sub

Sub 子程序(R As Range)
Debug.Print R.Value
End Sub

Sub 工作表作為參數()
Dim S As Worksheet
Set S = 工作表1
Call 子程序2(S)
End Sub

Sub 子程序2(S As Worksheet)
Debug.Print S.Name
End Sub


					Sub 工作表另存新檔()

With ActiveWorkbook
    .SaveAs "D:\Test.xlsx"
    .Close savechanges:=True
End With

With ActiveWorkbook
    .SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Test.xlsx"
    .Close savechanges:=True
End With

End Sub



Sub 判斷活頁簿開啟1()
Set W = Workbooks("活頁簿1.xlsx")

End Sub

Sub 判斷活頁簿開啟2()
For Each W In Workbooks
    If W.Name = "活頁簿1.xlsx" Then Debug.Print "Yes"
Next W

End Sub

Sub 判斷活頁簿開啟3()
On Error Resume Next
    Set W = Workbooks("活頁簿1.xlsx")
    If Err.Number = 9 Then Debug.Print "No"
On Error GoTo 0

End Sub



					Sub 刪除特定欄列()

With ActiveSheet
    .Cells(6, 1).EntireRow.Delete
End With

With ActiveSheet
    .Cells(1, 6).EntireColumn.Delete
End With

With ActiveSheet
End With

End Sub
					Sub 四種方法引用工作表()

N1 = Sheets(1).[A1]     'Index索引位置

N2 = Sheets("表2").[A1]     '工作表名稱

N3 = 工作表3.[A1]       'VBA CodeName

ActiveSheet.[A1] = N1 + N2 + N3     '目前工作表

End Sub


Sub 單一工作表列印()


End Sub

Sub 多工作表同時列印()

Sheets(Array("工作表1", "工作表2")).PrintPreview

End Sub

Sub 特定工作表列印()

For Each S In Sheets
    If S.Name Like "*月" Then S.Select Replace:=False
Next S


End Sub


					Sub UsedRange用法1()

With ActiveSheet
Debug.Print .UsedRange.Address  '目前範圍
Debug.Print .UsedRange.Rows.Count   '有多少列
Debug.Print .UsedRange.Columns.Count    '有多少欄
End With

End Sub

Sub UsedRange用法2()

With ActiveSheet    '清除工作表範圍
    .UsedRange  '重定位使用範圍
    Debug.Print .UsedRange.Address
End With

End Sub

Sub UsedRange用法3()

With ActiveSheet
    .UsedRange = .UsedRange.Value
End With

End Sub


					Sub 儲存格定位方法()

Debug.Print [A1].Resize(1, 3).Address   '$A$1:$C$1

Debug.Print [A1].Offset(1, 3).Address   '$D$2

Debug.Print [A1048576].End(xlUp).Address    '$A$1

End Sub



Sub 五種輸入公式方法()

[A1] = "=TODAY()"

[A2].Formula = "=TODAY()"

Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("A:A"))

Debug.Print Evaluate("TODAY()")

Debug.Print [TODAY()]

End Sub


Sub 下拉選單三種方法()

[A1].Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, Formula1:="A,B"

[A2].Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, Formula1:="=C1:C2"

A = [{"A","B"}]
[A3].Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, Formula1:=Join(A, ",")

End Sub


					Sub 錯誤處理1_錯誤程式()

[ZZZ1048578].Select     '此處需要物件

End Sub

Sub 錯誤處理2_Resume_Next()

On Error Resume Next        '錯了就錯了吧
MsgBox "無差別跳過錯誤!"

End Sub

Sub 錯誤處理3_O_Error_Goto_0()

On Error Resume Next
MsgBox "錯誤狀態1:" & Err.Number       '424錯誤

On Error GoTo 0
MsgBox "錯誤狀態2:" & Err.Number       '錯誤為0已清空

End Sub

Sub 錯誤處理4_O_Error_Goto_Lable()

On Error GoTo E     '跳到指定位置

Exit Sub    '沒錯誤提前結束程式
MsgBox "出現錯誤了!"

End Sub



					Sub 檔案或資料夾是否存在()

F = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\活頁簿1.xlsx"
Debug.Print Len(Dir(F))    '存在則長度不是0

'二、Dir函數確認檔案存在 (要加vbDirectory)
P = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Test"
Debug.Print Len(Dir(P, vbDirectory))

Set O = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Debug.Print O.FileExists(P2)

'四、Windows組件確認資料夾存在 (記得不用拉掉)
Debug.Print O.folderexists(P)
Set O = Nothing

End Sub


					Sub 刪除工作表操作()


Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Sheets(Array("工作表1", "工作表2")).Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = ture

For Each S In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
    If S.Index > ActiveSheet.Index Then
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = ture
    End If
Next S

End Sub


					Sub 簡單提示訊息()

MsgBox "這是訊息視窗"

End Sub

Sub 訊息標題及說明()

MsgBox prompt:="這是提示文字", _
End Sub

Sub 是或否提示視窗()

M = MsgBox(prompt:="這是提示文字", _
                Buttons:=vbYesNo + vbInformation + vbDefaultButton2, _
If M = vbYes Then
    MsgBox "按是的時候...!"
    MsgBox "按否的時候...!"
End If

'If U = vbNo Then Exit Sub
End Sub


Sub 取得檔案路徑1()

F = Application.FileDialog(3).Show
Debug.Print F

End Sub

Sub 取得檔案路徑2()

F = Application.FileDialog(3).Show
Debug.Print CBool(F)    '轉換為真假布林值


End Sub

Sub 取得檔案路徑3()

If Application.FileDialog(3).Show Then
    Debug.Print "已選取"
    Debug.Print "已取消"
End If

End Sub

Sub 取得檔案路徑4()
With Application.FileDialog(1)
    If .Show Then
        Debug.Print "已選取"
        Debug.Print "已取消"
    End If
End With

End Sub

Sub 取得檔案路徑5()
With Application.FileDialog(1)
    If .Show Then Debug.Print .SelectedItems(1)
End With

End Sub

Sub 取得檔案路徑6()
With Application.FileDialog(1)
    With .Filters
        .Add "Excel檔案(xlsx)", "*.xlsx"
    End With
    If .Show Then Debug.Print .SelectedItems(1)
End With

End Sub



Sub 數列宣告與賦值()

'Dim A(2)   '預設為Variant型態
Dim A(2) As String
A(0) = 0: A(1) = 1: A(2) = 2
Debug.Print Join(A) '0 1 3

End Sub

Sub 初始陣列固定編號()

Dim A(1 To 3)   '明確陣列編號
'Dim A(2)    '設定不符錯誤
A(1) = 1: A(2) = 2: A(3) = 3
Debug.Print Join(A) '0 1 3

End Sub

Sub 不同資料型態陣列()

Dim A(3)   'Variant可容納不同資料類型
A(1) = 1: A(2) = "2": A(3) = True
Debug.Print Join(A) ' 1 2 True

End Sub

Sub Array與Evaluate陣列()

'Excel Evaluate一維陣列
A3 = [{"A","B"}]
Debug.Print A3(1)   'A

'Excel Evaluate二維陣列
A4 = [{"A","B";1,2}]
Debug.Print A4(2, 1)    '1

'VBA Array一維陣列
A1 = Array("A", "B")
Debug.Print A1(0)    'A

'VBA Array二維陣列
A2 = Array(Array("A", 1), Array("B", 2))
Debug.Print A2(1)(1) '2

End Sub


					Sub 變數設定陣列1()

N = 10
Dim A(1 To N)

End Sub

Sub 變數設定陣列2()

Const N = 10
Dim A(1 To N)
Debug.Print UBound(A)   '10

End Sub

Sub 變數設定陣列3()

N = 10
Dim A(): ReDim A(10)
Debug.Print UBound(A)   '10

End Sub


Sub ReDim陣列調整1()

A = Array("A", "B", "C")
ReDim A(1)  '錯:不正確的ReDim

End Sub

Sub ReDim陣列調整2()

Dim A() '動態陣列才能ReDim
A = Array("A", "B", "C")
ReDim A(2)  'ReDim後預設清空
Debug.Print Join(A) '每個都是空白

End Sub

Sub ReDim陣列調整3()

Dim A()
A = Array("A", "B", "C")
ReDim Preserve A(1)  '保留原值
Debug.Print Join(A) 'A B

End Sub

Sub ReDim陣列調整4()

'Dim A() As Integer  '型態不符合
Dim A() As Variant
A = Array(1, 2, 3)

ReDim Preserve A(5)  '多的空間為預設值
Debug.Print Join(A, ",") '1,2,3,,,

End Sub

Sub ReDim陣列調整5()

Dim A() As Variant
For i = 1 To 3
    ReDim Preserve A(1 To i)
    A(i) = i
Next i
Debug.Print Join(A, ",") '1,2,3
End Sub

Sub ReDim陣列調整6()

Dim A()
N = [A1].CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
ReDim A(1 To N)

For i = 1 To N
    A(i) = Cells(i, "A")
Next i

Debug.Print Join(A, ",")

End Sub


					Sub 基本Select選擇語句()

X = 2
Select Case X
    Case 1: Debug.Print "S"
    Case 2: Debug.Print "L"
End Select  '單一數值:L

Select Case X
    Case 1 To 10: Debug.Print "S"
    Case Is >= 11: Debug.Print "M"
End Select  '數值區間:S

X = "L"
Select Case X
    Case "S": Debug.Print "小"
    Case "L": Debug.Print "大"
End Select  '文字變數:大

End Sub



  1. 微軟VBA入門說明頁面。
  2. 贊贊小屋Excel教學手冊。
  3. 贊贊小屋VBA教學手冊。
  4. YouTube:VBA入門頻道。
  5. 課程:VBA課程大全集。